Carma common errors(Last update: 02-2003)
In random order.
Wheels have only half texture
When your wheels have only a quarter of the texture applied, look at the funk section in the .TXT file. Pretty sure Cared put the wheel texture there. If you don't have braking lights remove everything between START OF FUNK and END OF FUNK. Top
'Wheels outside of bounding box' error msg
Make sure the coordinates of the bounding box(es) enclose the coordinates used in the wheel entries. Top
My little car can't even pass under a bridge
Look in the bounding box, maybe you missed a point so that 0.33 became 033 Top
Can't get no errormessages
Start the game in softwaremode; Use CARMA2_SW.EXE Top
My car's body is flashing
When your car's body is flashing in a strange way, look at the funk section in the .TXT file. Pretty sure Cared put the body texture there. If you don't have braking lights remove everything between START OF FUNK and END OF FUNK. Top
'Can't get car resolution' error msg
Are you sure you copied the entire folder from the Cared folder to the ../CARS folder? If not, please don't bother anymore. Top
Game crashes when I hit the wall, or whatever
There seems to be something wrong with the smashable texture settings in the .WAM file. Maybe the smashed textures don't exists. If this happens when you hit anther car maybe the other car is not setup right. Top
My very heavy truck smashes to dead on the first wall
You should learn to drive. Or you should decrease softness-factor in the .TXT file. Maybe even below 0.2. Top
Parts of my car just dissappear into the wall
Adjust the bounding box. (Maybe, I will put some links to tutorials here later. So please don't ask me how to build a bounding box.) Top
Editing the native C2 cars
Unpack the .TWT file as described in the main Carma page. Then you can import the .DAT file into Cared. Only problem is Cared can't import the textures so you have to entirely reskin the model. And usually the wheels are in the centre, so you have to put them back. Then save as .OBJ file and edit it like you would any other car. Top
I added a new component BOX, put it in the WAM file and now C2 is crashing all the time A component name must have at least four characters (Cared converts the name automatically to BOX_). Top
Can't get Paint Shop to create a decent Alpha layer (Transparency in TIFF)
Me neither. Just get a copy of Photoshop. Top
My vehicle doesn't have any wheels, what should I do with the grooves?
Just remove everything between START OF GROOVE and END OF GROOVE. You don't need them, the're just consuming resources and I think you will have error msgs if you don't. Top
I have tons of cars to download, but my webspace provider doesn't support...
Many web providers don't. Find yourself a good friend with paid webspace, or some willing one in the game communities. Top
I have a Lots-Of-Doors-Vehicle and now the doors do strange things when I press Return.
You can only define two doors and one hood. If you define more, the next set (of two doors, one hood) will open when the first are shut. Top
Can I make the wheels fall off my car? With some tricks this is possible, but the effect is not very realistic; The car will be just keep straight, like it was running on the missing wheel. Top
Can I change your cars, and publish them myself on my site?
Of course you can !! I would really like that. But don't, I repeat, don't remove my name/address from the several files. Just add your own name. When you try to violate this, I have to tell you, your computer will be blasted away immediately... Top
I added some cars and now the mission and my saved game does strange things.
When adding cars using Carstockalypse and putting them on top of the list, the whole list is shifted one place.
So, if you don't want to mess up your saved game (with some bought cars) just put al your add-ons at the bottom of the list, or remove another car from the top if you put one there.
To keep the missions as they should, check this in opponent.txt
Bigdump should be on place #38 (Because of mission Trucking Hell)
Copcar should be on place #51 (because of race The Bruise Brothers)
How can I get back the launcher wich started the first time after installation ?
By creating a shortcut to Carma2.exe. Open properties of the shortcut and change the commandline and add either one of the switches
/hold, /config or /setup. Top
Can I host your cars on my site ?
I'd love to. Many providers quit there free services right now, so it's getting harder and harder to find some webspace. This way a lot of good work from all car-builders get lost. So you're encouraged to do so, but mention my name of course. Top
Would you host my cars on your site ?
If you have some nice cars, wich with nicely into what's here already I'll think about it. Just mail me.. Top
How to create a carnameshell.dat using PT2 ?
When finished your car, including skinning, then save as carnameshell.sdf. Then (try to) remove the wheels. PT2 will crash often, but it seems to be better if you rotate the part first, before deleting. Then use flatten hierarchy and name the new part SHELL. By the way, if you don't have a carnameshell.dat it will work fine. If you're using Cared only, you don't need to now this. Top
How to create a simple model using PT2?
I suppose you have a skinned model already, made using a 3D program. Well, their should be only one component, name this exactly the same as the root part in the full model, and add .1. So BIGDUMP.ACT becomes BIGDUMP.1. Save it, and it will work, even with car complexity set to full. When using Cared, you don't need this. Somehow, Cared treats the model different when saving as simple_carname.obj Top
What's the maximum poly-count for Carma2 ?
The maximum poly's Carma2 can handle for a single car seems to be something like 10.000, but I myself won't install a car wich is over 3000 pollies. Max polycount for a single object seems to be 1000, but this figures seems to depend on your computer's capacity.
How to make a trailer in C2 ?
It's still one of the unsolved mysteries in the C2 community. So figure that out for yourself and get famous.
Does Carmageddon run on Win2k/XP ?
C2 runs fine on Windows 2000; except for a few things. Unplug your game-controller, otherwise C2 will keep crashing. Because of a different style of changing screen-resolution, yousometimes end up with a desktop at 320x200 after a crash. That's not nice because you can't find the OK-button. On my computer Carmageddon 1 (splatpack) runs fine under Windows XP.
Is there an update for C2 ?
There are patches to change the censored versions into the real one, with real blood etc. There's also an update patch wich improves the graphics. It replaces some textures, it replaces the video driver and some more. On my system colors became much clearer; The patch however removes the no-cd patch, so when applying it you need to have the C2 CD in your drive. To fix this you have to replace some of the patched files with the original ones. Sci has an XP patch wich is basically a no-cd patch (!?).
My mom says this game is unethical and a waste of time !
She's absolutely right.
What's the scale for C2 ?
For the Diamond T I used a scale of about 1:5 (1/5th for your US guys). That is units/metre. That makes 1 unit/197 inch and 1 unit/15 ft.
I can't get Cared to work.
Of course you need the Java JRE and the Java OpenGL JRE. Put the Cared files it in it's own folder and edit the path in Cared.bat to point to Cared.jar.
I can't get Carstockalypse to work.
Put it into the main Carma folder. Maybe you have to edit a path when asked for it; It looks for data.twt. Maybe you need some DLL's for VisualC programs.
I can't get Plaything 2 to work.
You need to set your desktop resolution to 16-bit colors (high colors) by rightclicking on your desktop and choose settings. (a 24-bits color desktop is a waste of resources anyways). Besides you need some dll's Some Plaything distributions don't have them included. it's best to put these dll's into the Plaything folder, although putting them into system/system32 will also work.
How do I install add-ons.
Most add-ons have a readme included wich will tell you how to install things. However, some things usually are not mentioned.
First of all (You can have a laugh at it if you want), you can't install add-ons if you play the entire game from CD. You need to have the game installed on your hard-disk.
To use add-on cars you have to have finished the game so you have access to all cars. You can accomplish the same thing by downloading some savedgames.ars file and overwrite your own with it. You can best extract the downloaded file into a temporary folder to have a look at wich files are overwritten. A usual car doesn't overwrite anything, but some ofthem have a custom engine sound and they will overwrite ./data/sounds/sound.txt. All previously installed sounds will then be gone. A car with a custom sound will have a description in the readme. Btw. if you don't install this sound it will work fine, although driving it will be a silent experience. If all looks save you can copy the folder data and the .c2c file into your main Carma folder, say yes when asked to overwrite any files in the data folder.
How do I install add-on tracks.
The same strategy applies to add-on tracks. They tend to overwrite ./data/sound/sound.txt, ./data/peds/settings.txt or ./data/drones/drone.txt. Instead of a .c2c file there is a .c2t file and you need Mapstockalypse to install this one. Remember that you can't add tracks to C2,you have to replace an existing one.
How do I install add-on drones.
Drones are the dull vehicles driving around in the city levels, the Boeing in the airport levels or the train in the Twin Shrieks levels. Some drones, like the one's in Econobricks drone-pack are replacing existing one's. After installing remove the .TWT files wich have the same name as the just installed sub-folder in the ./data/drones folder.
If you have downloaded entire new drones like the one's included in the Schwarzwald track, you have to change ./data/drones/drone.txt. Info is in the readme. If you downloaded a single drone you also have to fiddle with some trackname.txt to include it there. Just replace some names in the drone-path section. If you include a drone in a track wich doesn't exist or wich is not mentioned in the drone.txt Carma will crash.
How do I install add-on peds.
Again, some peds just replace existing ones; Install them and remove/backup .TWT files with the same name as the just installed folders.
When installing entire new peds, like the one's on this site, you have to edit ./data/peds/settings.txt. Add the ped to one group in this file and don't forget to increase the 'number of peds' in this group. (max. seems to be 7). Some of the peds also needs some fiddling with sound.txt; Have a look in the readme.
Don't you think it's sick to play this game.
What are you suggesting; Pacman ain't violent?
Don't you think this game has bad influence on children..
Look at me !
What are the in-game shortcuts ?
By pressing the far right enter button you will come in replay mode. Ctrl+D should make a screenshot, but this doesn't always work. By pressing shift+grey arrow the minimap will move. By pressing F1 the statusbar and all will change; Press it a few times. By pressing 'c' you will have driver's view and if you press grey up-arrow you will come in bumper-position. Pressing 'h' makes the horn blow.
I have add-ons, but the game keeps crashing if I want to play in software-mode.
It's most likely the author of the add-on(s) didn't include the 8-bit textures. Look in the folder of the add-ons and see if there's either a PIX8 folder, or a TIFFRGB folder, or both. Then check if the PIX8 folder has exactly the same files as the PIX16 folder (the same in name and no one missing).
How do I change the name of a car.
If you want to change the name of a car in order to have different versions in the same game:
Change the name of the carname-folder, carname.act, carname.dat, carname.mat, carname.txt, carname.wam, if exists: carnameshell.act, carnameshell.dat, carnameshell.mat, simple_carname.act,simple_carname.dat, simple_carname.mat.Then change the name of carname.txt in the .c2c file. change the name of carname.txt and carname.wam in the carname.txt file. Open up, if exists, simple_carname.act with PT2 and change the name of the mainpart into carname.1.
Change the name of ..\data\intrface\carimages\carnameCI, and in the PIX8 and PIX16 folder change the name of the files into carname a..f.pix.
What can I change in this game ?
Everything, except for the engine. Cars, peds, tracks, drones, special effect, interface, language, some rules, sounds etc.
Insufficient material slots in storage area ?
It's not exactly clear what this means, but it seems to be a memory problem. The game chooses randomly add-on cars and maybe some of them have too much textures. If it says 'models slot', the car could be too complex, or there are too many drones or peds on the level. But often it's just a general error msg telling you that there's something wrong and Carma can't figure out what.
Can't find animation frame pixelmap referenced in funkotronic file ?
The 'funkotronic file' is the part of the carname.txt file between START OF FUNK and END OF FUNK. The names at the end of the sections should be the names of .pix files in the PIX16 folder. You can remove everything between start of funk and end of funk if you want, Then it's fixed, but you wont have special effects. Top
What textures can I use ?
If you want to edit the textures, you need to have the original .tiff's in the TIFFRGB folder. If you make new textures they should be either 16x16,32x32,64x64,128x128 pixels big and have 24-bit (16 million) colours. The tiffs might be compressed. The menu image should be 192x128. Using Cared you can make carnamea..f.pix from it (only hw-mode). Put these pix files in the ..\data\intrface\carimages\carnameCI\PIX16 folder
The drivers image should be 64x64, and named shortdrivername64.tif. Put this one in the ..\carnameCI\TIFFRGB folder. The shortdrivername is in the c2c file. If changes in the tiff don't show up in the game remove the .pix file with the same name in the PIX8 and the PIX16 folder.
Cared won't run on my new computer.
Cared runs fine on XP/2000 or whatever. You might be using a newer version of the Java OpenGL runtime. Download the version from this site. Top
Why is Carmageddon slow on my new computer ?
Carmageddon is using old techniques wich are not optimized on newer computers. That's why a Pentium 2, with 4MB video card might be faster than a Pentium 4 with 128MB card.
Using Zmodeler.
You can use Zmodeler for carediting but you will need the program Bemax by Beroc(Lord of Destruction) to convert from .3ds. There are some rules about component names and hierarchy but that's decribed in the Bemax docs. Remember that Carmageddon can't use textures bigger than 256x256, although Plaything 2 can use them. You will have to edit some more in Plaything. Ther's no way of importing from Carmageddon 2 (because of copyright issues). Top
Proper 3D modeling ?
If you want to make a general compatible model (for exporting) you should keep certain rules in mind;
-Don't make double sided polygons
-Most games can't handle components with more than one texture applied. That's why most games use single texture where texturing is done by applying parts of the texture to components. However Carmageddon is not very suited for this technique because it can only handle max. 256x256 textures. If you're only using Cared this is not an issue.
-Use a separate component and separate textures for transparent parts.
My car's so professional, I really need Plaything 2, but can't get it to work.
So,... just don't use it. You don't really need it to build good cars. The new Big Dump is my first car ever set up using PT 2.
But I really have to....
No,... you don't
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