VERSION 2 // This is a sample carname.txt //version 1.5 Savage Elve November 2002 // //I used the .TXT file of my Diamond T because I think this one is a good example GIRL //If your driver is female here should be girl, other wise just an empty row DIAMOND.TXT // Should be exact the same as the filename 0.18 // softness 0.7 is soft(sportscar), 0.2 is tough(truck), 0.0 is a rock(solid granite car) //When increasing weight you often have to lower this value, because otherwise you will waste //yourself at the first wall START OF DRIVABLE STUFF -0.08,0.179,0 // Offset of driver's head in 3D space 80,-70 // Angles to turn to make head go left and right 0,0.175,0.2,30 // Offset of 'mirror camera' in 3D space, viewing angle of mirror none,none,PRATBDRT.PIX,PRATBDHZ.PIX // Pratcam border names (left, top, right, bottom) //I'm not sure these settings have any purpose, never seen any pratcam or mirror END OF DRIVABLE STUFF 5314,5314,5314 // Engine noise (normal, enclosed space, underwater) 5314 is truck sound stealworthy // Can be stolen; Carma I relic? // Damage info for top impacts 1 // Number of clauses always 1 // Systems count (Number of entries) driver,1.5 // Damage // Damage info for bottom impacts 5 // Number of clauses (Not every impact on the bottom has the same effect, always //it depends on where the impacts occur, on the Z axle). 1 // Systems count transmission,0.2 // Damage z<0.25&x<0.25 // Condition 3 // Systems count lf_wheel,0.5 // Damage lf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.3 // Damage z<0.25&x>0.75 // Condition 3 // Systems count rf_wheel,0.5 // Damage rf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.3 // Damage z>0.75&x<0.25 // Condition //The entry for top impacts said 5 clause, so this is the fifth condition 2 // Systems count lr_wheel,0.5 // Damage lr_brake,0.5 // Damage z>0.75&x>0.75 // Condition 2 // Systems count //system count seems to be limited to 5 rr_wheel,0.5 // Damage rr_brake,0.5 // Damage // Damage info for left impacts 3 // Number of cla z>0.25&z<0.75 1 // Systems count driver,1.0 // Damage z<0.25 // Condition 3 // Systems count lf_wheel,0.5 // Damage lf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.3 // Damage z>0.75 // Condition 2 // Systems count lr_wheel,0.5 // Damage lr_brake,0.5 // Damage // Damage info for right impacts 3 // Number of clauses z>0.25&z<0.75 1 // Systems count driver,1.0 // Damage z<0.25 // Condition 3 // Systems count rf_wheel,0.5 // Damage rf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.3 // Damage z>0.75 // Condition 2 // Systems count rr_wheel,0.5 // Damage rr_brake,0.5 // Damage // Damage info for front impacts 3 // Number of clauses always // Condition 2 // Systems count engine,1.0 // Damage transmission,0.3 // Damage x<0.25 // Condition 3 // Systems count lf_wheel,0.5 // Damage lf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.5 // Damage x>0.75 // Condition 3 // Systems count rf_wheel,0.5 // Damage rf_brake,0.5 // Damage steering,0.5 // Damage // Damage info for rear impacts 3 // Number of clauses always // Condition 1 // Systems count transmission,0.5 // Damage x<0.25 // Condition 2 // Systems count lr_wheel,0.5 // Damage lr_brake,0.5 // Damage x>0.75 // Condition 2 // Systems count rr_wheel,0.5 // Damage rr_brake,0.5 // Damage GEAGLEF.PIX,GEAGLEF.PIX,GEAGLEA.PIX // Grid image (opponent, frank, annie) 1 // Number of extra levels of detail (maybe you can make more than one simple model) 8 // min_dist_squared DIAMOND.WAM // crush data file CARWSCRN.PIX // Name of reflective screen material (or none if non-reflective) 100 // Percentage transparency of windscreen 2 // Number of steerable wheels (If you define a steer or whatever, you have to add it here, too). 7 // GroovyFunkRef of 1st steerable wheel 8 // GroovyFunkRef of 2nd steerable wheel 15 //the steeraxle wich is not on the Diamond T but on the steamroller 4,-1,-1,-1 // Left-front suspension parts GroovyFunkRef - four items 3,-1,-1,-1 // Right-front suspension parts GroovyFunkRef 6,12 // Left-rear suspension parts GroovyFunkRef - two items 5,11 // Right-rear suspension parts GroovyFunkRef 14,13,2,1 // Driven wheels GroovyFunkRefs (for spinning) - MUST BE 4 ITEMS 10,9,-1,-1 // Non-driven wheels GroovyFunkRefs (for spinning) - MUST BE 4 ITEMS //All these numbers are reference numbers and you will find them below in the grooves, or funks 0.14 // Driven wheels diameter 0.14 // Non-driven wheels diameter //If you have a car with very big wheels. like the dumptruck, modify thse settings to the diametre of your wheels. //The wheels will spin much more realistic. But you have to increase suspension give, too. //Otherwise your car will become very jumpy. (Once found myself in outer space with the steamroller) START OF FUNK //funks are just graphical animations DIRTL //name of material, not image constant piss off no fucking lighting bastards //I think you can change this savely to anything decent frames //type of funk accurate texturebits VB 4 //four entries DIBACKALL,2,0,2,0 //four different graphics, together in one image DIBACKALL,2,1,2,0 DIBACKALL,2,0,2,1 DIBACKALL,2,1,2,1 NEXT FUNK DILTL constant piss off no fucking lighting bastards frames accurate texturebits VB 4 DIBACKALL,2,0,2,0 DIBACKALL,2,1,2,0 DIBACKALL,2,0,2,1 DIBACKALL,2,1,2,1 END OF FUNK START OF GROOVE //grooves are just movement functions //remember these settings have nothing to do with the handling of your car //it's only visual //There seems to be a maximum of grooves, this many won't work on my PC FRPIVOT.ACT //The steering wheels are atached to another actor, FRpivot in this case not a lollipop //the reason is simple; For a steering wheel you need three functions: constant //steering, suspension and spinning, as you will see you can only put two functions into one groove straight //you can't apply two grooves to one object absolute 0,0,0 3 //find me at right front suspension parts 0,1,0 rock absolute 7 //find me at steerable wheels 0,0,0 //pivoting axle, in this case the actor is centered already y //pivoting around the Y axle 0 NEXT GROOVE FLPIVOT.ACT not a lollipop constant straight absolute 0,0,0 4 0,1,0 rock absolute 8 0,0,0 y 0 NEXT GROOVE RRWHEEL.ACT not a lollipop constant straight //type of groove; controlled axial move absolute 0,0,0 5 //find me at right rear suspension parts 0,1,0 //Moving along y-axle spin //type of groove; spinning controlled ////it only spins when accelerating, nothing more 1 //find me at driven wheels 0,0,0 //offset of axle from center of actor x //spinning around x-axle NEXT GROOVE RLWHEEL.ACT not a lollipop constant straight absolute 0,0,0 6 0,1,0 spin controlled 2 0,0,0 x NEXT GROOVE IRRWHEEL.ACT //remember IRLWHEEL.ACT is somthing else then IRLWHEEL not a lollipop constant straight absolute 0,0,0 11 //find me at right rear suspension parts 0,1,0 spin controlled 13 //find me at driven wheels 0,0,0 x NEXT GROOVE IRLWHEEL.ACT not a lollipop constant straight absolute 0,0,0 12 0,1,0 spin controlled 14 0,0,0 x NEXT GROOVE FRWHEEL.ACT not a lollipop constant no path spin controlled 9 0,0,0 x NEXT GROOVE FLWHEEL.ACT not a lollipop constant no path spin controlled 10 0,0,0 x NEXT GROOVE FLYER //these both grooves are not in the original diamond.txt file, they're taken from the steamroller not a lollipop //that seems to be obviously constant no path spin continuous 1 //speed 0,0.4195,0.1397 //center of flywheel x //axle NEXT GROOVE STEERAXLE not a lollipop constant no path spin controlled //you can also try absolute 15 //steery reference, find me at steerable wheels 0,0.138,0.042 //center of steeraxle x //remember this is a horizontal axle, so it's no steer END OF GROOVE // END OF CRUSH DATA START OF MECHANICS STUFF version 1 // Minimum turning circle. How sharp of a turn you can make at low speed. // 0.5 is average and 0.3 is super tight //just make sure it's more then the distance between your front and rear wheels //otherwise the steering wheels will do strange things 1.800000 1.000000 // Brake multiplier. 1.000000 // Braking strength multiplier. 6 // Number of gears. (6 seems to be max, if you want 1 gear, for sound purposes, you will often get stuck 200.0000 // Speed at red line in highest gear. Remember this is not the max speed. Besides of that, in the last //levels your car will go about 1.5 times faster // Acceleration: This value determines how fast your car will be. The average is about 5.0, // setting it up to 7.0 or 8.0 is about the limit of being able to handle it. 4.00000 // Acceleration in highest gear (m/s^2) i.e. engine strength. //This defines both the power and the accelleration, that's why the locomotive accellerates quite fast, //because otherwise it would be pushed away by a small car // Sub member: Root part normal // Type none // Identifier DIAMOND.ACT // Actor // Sub member: Joint data none // Type // Centre of mass: The closer this value is to the center of your 4 wheels the better. // If it is too high you will flip over in a turn and if it is to far back // or forward, you will easily lose control in a turn. //Y should be just above y position in the wheel entries below. When below this Y position your car will straighten up //by itself when flipping over 0,0.115000,0 // Mass: The more mass you have the more damage you can inflict. // 1.5 - 2 is average, but 60-80 tons will let you smash through just // about anything. //Remember you will waste yourself easily as well when hitting an obstacle 8 //tons of course, (US tons?) 0.603721,0.460102,1.566447 // Angular momentum proportions //This defines the way your car will hang over, spin around when hitting something in the corner, etc. Don't know yet, wich //entry defines what. // Downforce-to-weight balance speed, when you have a very fast car, over 600MPH this could be interesting 50.000000 4 // Number of 'Wheels' entries. // Wheels entry #1 0 // Type Left front // Identifier FLWHEEL.ACT // Actor -0.20,0.112,-0.365 // Position. Very important. The X and Z defines the the place where your //wheels touch the ground, the place where the skidmarks appear and the rear wheels define the pivoting point when //making a corner. When you have a very narrow car, these settings will make the car hang over more realistic. //A long car will swing out accurately when these settings are right. //The higher the Y coordinate, the more off-road your car will be, but; //-Your car will easily run over a low car without hitting it //- You will find problems with suspension, gettting a jumpy car // Just choose the center of the model of your wheel 1 // Steerable flags 0 // Driven flags; Maybe you can make FWD with this // Suspension give: Each of your wheels has this attribute. The average is about 0.01. // Stepping it up to 0.015 will give you a super plush ride, just make sure // you car is far enough off the ground to allow it. //When you have very big wheels, or a very long vehicle you often have to increase this //because the car becomes very jumpy (Kind of pinball mode) //When the car is hanging over to much in corners, try increasing the damping factor 0.02000 1.000000 // Damping factor 1.000000 // Fractional reduction in friction when slipping // Friction angles: Each of your wheels has this attribute. This value determines how much // traction your wheels have. The closer the number // is to 90 the more traction you will get. 83 is average, but 89 is about as much // as you can handle before you get a headache. 80.000000,81.000000 //THe cars from the game itself have often something like 78 to 80 2.000000 // Traction fractional multiplier 0.050000 // Rolling resistance // Wheels entry #2 1 // Type Right front // Identifier FRWHEEL.ACT // Actor 0.20,0.112,-0.365 // Position 1 // Steerable flags 0 // Driven flags 0.02000 // Suspension give 1.000000 // Damping factor 1.000000 // Fractional reduction in friction when slipping 80.000000,81.000000 // Friction angles 2.000000 // Traction fractional multiplier 0.050000 // Rolling resistance // Wheels entry #3 1 // Type Left rear // Identifier RLWHEEL.ACT // Actor -0.20,0.112,0.546 // Position; In this case just between RLwheel and IRLWHEEL 0 // Steerable flags 0 // Driven flags 0.030000 // Suspension give 1.000000 // Damping factor 1.000000 // Fractional reduction in friction when slipping 80.000000,81.000000 // Friction angles 2.000000 // Traction fractional multiplier 0.050000 // Rolling resistance // Wheels entry #4 1 // Type Right rear // Identifier RRWHEEL.ACT // Actor 0.20,0.112,0.546 // Position 0 // Steerable flags 0 // Driven flags 0.030000 // Suspension give 1.000000 // Damping factor 1.000000 // Fractional reduction in friction when slipping 80.000000,81.000000 // Friction angles 2.000000 // Traction fractional multiplier 0.050000 // Rolling resistance 1 // Number of 'Bounding shapes' entries. // Bounding shape: This shape definition is used for all collisions in the game. // It is important to get this shape to fit your car as // close as possible. It will add a lot of realism to your car. //When you have some extra parts sticking out your car, you can add additional boxes //increase the number of bounding shapes above //and at another list of coordinates polyhedron // Type 14 //this shape has 14 points, so it's not rectangular. //8 is much more common //Just open up the model with cared and find yourself the coordinates below. //Then it should be clear what's the meaning of it 0.121288 0.350000 -0.5130000 //RFT Right Front Top 0.251288 0.070000 -0.572000 //RFB Right Front Bottom 0.251288 0.380000 0.820000 // RRT Right Rear Top 0.251288 0.070000 0.820000 //RRB Right Rear Bottom -0.121288 0.350000 -0.513000 //LFT Left Front Top -0.251288 0.070000 -0.572000 //LFB Left Front Bottom -0.251288 0.380000 0.820000 //LRT Left Rear Top -0.251288 0.070000 0.820000 //LRB Left Rear Bottom 0.251288 0.070000 -0.100000 //MRB Mid Right Bottom 0.165288 0.4750000 -0.100000 //MRT Mid Right Top -0.165288 0.475000 -0.100000 //MLT Mid Left Top -0.251288 0.070000 -0.100000 //MLB Mid Left Bottom 0.310000 0.430000 -0.110000 //MRM Mid Right Mid -0.310000 0.430000 -0.110000 //MLM Mid Left Mid //Mid part's for the mirrors 0 // Number of sub-parts. END OF MECHANICS STUFF // Materials for shrapnel; Shards when hitting something 1 // number of materials; If you have a two color car, you can add another one 66,0,0 //maroon; RGB value in decimal //damage vertices fire points; Seems to be vertices of the shell.dat 449 // engine point 261 // transmission 116 // driver 460 // steering 1 // lf brake 1 // rf brake 1 // lr brake 1 // rr brake 1 // lf wheel 4 // rf wheel 6 // lr wheel 1 // rr wheel // start of keyword stuff CAMERA_POSITIONS 0, 0.1786, -0.54 // bumper position; When pressing 'c' and then up arrow -0.05, 0.422000, 0.034000 // cockpit position; When pressing 'c' in the game you will have a view from //driver's position, if setup correctly. Choose a point just in front of the driver's nose. CAMERA_TURN_OFF_MATERIALS 0 // Count // End of keyword stuff END